This unique Rainbow Purple Dichroic Pendant has been carefully handcrafted by the skillful artists Carolyn & Anthony Green, who live in Victoria, BC Canada. Each piece of artwork has been carefully...
This unique Rainbow Teal Dichroic Pendant has been carefully handcrafted by the skillful artists Carolyn & Anthony Green, who live in Victoria, BC Canada. Each piece of artwork has been carefully...
This unique Caribbean Blue pendant set has been carefully handcrafted by the skillful artists Carolyn & Anthony Green, who live in Victoria, BC Canada. Each piece of artwork has been...
This unique Cobalt Blue Pendant & Earring set has been carefully handcrafted by the skillful artists Carolyn & Anthony Green, who live in Victoria, BC Canada. Each piece of artwork...
This unique Light Blue Dichroic Pendant Set has been carefully handcrafted by the skillful artists Carolyn & Anthony Green, who live in Victoria, BC Canada. Each piece of artwork has...
This unique Opal Dichroic Pendant Set has been carefully handcrafted by the skillful artists Carolyn & Anthony Green, who live in Victoria, BC Canada. Each piece of artwork has been...
This unique Rainbow Clear Dichroic Pendant Set has been carefully handcrafted by the skillful artists Carolyn & Anthony Green, who live in Victoria, BC Canada. Each piece of artwork has been...
This unique Rainbow Purple Dichroic Pendant Set has been carefully handcrafted by the skillful artists Carolyn & Anthony Green, who live in Victoria, BC Canada. Each piece of artwork has been carefully...
This unique Rainbow Teal Dichroic Pendant Set has been carefully handcrafted by the skillful artists Carolyn & Anthony Green, who live in Victoria, BC Canada. Each piece of artwork has been carefully...
This listing is for ONE pair of Caribbean Blue Dichroic Glass Studs 9mm. Your eye-catching earrings will come on a personally designed wooden card. When you're not wearing them, this...
This listing is for ONE pair of Cobalt Blue Dichroic Glass Studs 9mm. Your eye-catching earrings will come on a personally designed wooden card. When you're not wearing them, this...
This listing is for ONE pair of Light Blue Dichroic Glass Studs 9mm. Your eye-catching earrings will come on a personally designed wooden card. When you're not wearing them, this...